Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Petra's Moving to Canada (Finally!)

Okies, I'm sure most of you already know my sweetie Zilvara is Canadian, while I'm (currently) American.

After being together for 13 years online and one visit North 3 years ago I'm finally moving to Canada for good. *Very relieved* :)
This works out as part of the plan we made three years ago, with only a slight delay.. ;)

Now part of being a couple is actually being in the same room together.. *Playful smile*

Also Canada has something the States can't really offer me: the chance to legally marry Zilvy! *Bright, proud smile while doing a happy dance*

I can honestly say it's been a long, hard road to get here, and once across the border I'll start the process towards Canadian citizenship (Getting married to a citizen doesn't hurt either ;) )

Anyway my flight is August 14, and I'm going to be out of touch for at least a week before that, and probably a little longer after as I wait for my computer to arrive (But I'm sure Zilvy will let me borrow hers now and then *Playful smile* )

Some of you who remember my blog on Yahoo a few years ago may recognize the above pics Drake was kind enough to do when I was desperately trying to get my passport in time for my trip; I thought this was a perfect time to recycle those wonderful images... *Giggling*

As some of you may also remember from my blog three years ago, I had a few difficulties going through the Toronto airport.. *Embarrassed blush*
I still maintain it's very easy to walk completely OUT of the airport and into the parking lot while trying to go from one gate to another to make a connecting flight in that airport (Especially if you don't have a sense of direction ;) )

Which is why this time I've taken the liberty of printing up a "cheat sheet" of directions for getting to a connecting flight! *Giggling and waving my map proudly* :D

And before you ask: I have my passport, and just in case I also have a bill of lading for shipping a certain petrified hardbody statue across the border.. *Giggling and winking* ;)
(But how much do you think customs would charge Zilvy for taking shipment for such a fine marble Amazon artwork? *Wickedly playful smirk* ;) )

As a side note: Zilvara is currently accepting donations to defray customs charges for the aforementioned marble Amazon. *Playful smile* ;)

Canada FTW!