The Gorgon War
Drake starts a new story arc when Flannery discovers an unusual statue in the museum...
Natasha returns and brings Eurayle and her sisters along it appears...
Whatever's in store for us all certainly has Flannery upset... I'm not worried though, I'm sure Zilvy & I have dealt with gorgons sometime in the last few thousand years and we've probably got something for this situation in the basement..! *Giggling and winking* ;)
I'm quite looking forward to how this story plays out, and enjoying Drake's fantastic art and storytelling skills..! *Bright smile*
(Not to mention I'm quite taken with how Natasha keeps turning back into a statue... Rather makes me think of Galatea from CMQ's FemFantastique stories... *Blushing*)
And last but certainly not least, I absolutely loved the covers with Asudem trapped inside the glass tube by Dee..!
Dialog: Priceless! *Laughing happily* :D
I admit this is a rather short blog entry for the start of a story arc that I'm quite enjoying, but at least I'm not putting "Blog in Progress" at the end of this entry for a change.. *Wry smile*