After being together for 13 years online and one visit North 3 years ago I'm finally moving to Canada for good. *Very relieved* :)
This works out as part of the plan we made three years ago, with only a slight delay.. ;)
Now part of being a couple is actually being in the same room together.. *Playful smile*
Also Canada has something the States can't really offer me: the chance to legally marry Zilvy! *Bright, proud smile while doing a happy dance*
I can honestly say it's been a long, hard road to get here, and once across the border I'll start the process towards Canadian citizenship (Getting married to a citizen doesn't hurt either ;) )
Anyway my flight is August 14, and I'm going to be out of touch for at least a week before that, and probably a little longer after as I wait for my computer to arrive (But I'm sure Zilvy will let me borrow hers now and then *Playful smile* )
Some of you who remember my blog on Yahoo a few years ago may recognize the above pics Drake was kind enough to do when I was desperately trying to get my passport in time for my trip; I thought this was a perfect time to recycle those wonderful images... *Giggling*
As some of you may also remember from my blog three years ago, I had a few difficulties going through the Toronto airport.. *Embarrassed blush*
I still maintain it's very easy to walk completely OUT of the airport and into the parking lot while trying to go from one gate to another to make a connecting flight in that airport (Especially if you don't have a sense of direction ;) )
Which is why this time I've taken the liberty of printing up a "cheat sheet" of directions for getting to a connecting flight! *Giggling and waving my map proudly* :D
And before you ask: I have my passport, and just in case I also have a bill of lading for shipping a certain petrified hardbody statue across the border.. *Giggling and winking* ;)
(But how much do you think customs would charge Zilvy for taking shipment for such a fine marble Amazon artwork? *Wickedly playful smirk* ;) )
As a side note: Zilvara is currently accepting donations to defray customs charges for the aforementioned marble Amazon. *Playful smile* ;)
Canada FTW!