Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm Home!


I'm home!
Land of maple syrup, Drake and most importantly: Zilvara! :D

I should have made this entry yesterday, but after a long trip, I thought I'd wait until Zilvy let me borrow her computer.. ;)
(Oops! I was just reminded this is OUR computer..! *Giggling happily* :) )

Already met Willow the day I landed, will be meeting Anya and Aura tomorrow (who've already gone through the citizenship/marriage/immigration thing Zilvy & I will be going through...)

This weekend I'm being taken to meet the entire DeJewels clan... (Should I be afraid?  I've been warned to be so... ;) )

Another of Zilvy's friends I've already met on my last visit is helping Zilvy with my "Secret Canadian Initiation" but they're having trouble finding the goat... *Blinking and looking nervous* ;)

Well, I'd better wrap this entry up as  Zilvy's calling me.. *Bright smile*

After so many years, I almost can't believe I'm home at last... *Warm smile*