Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zilvara & Petra: MARRIED! :D

After 13 years of being together...
On our anniversary...

Zilvy & I got married today at 3:00pm Eastern time!!

It was a small ceremony held at our apartment with 9 guests attending (Family & close friends)
(An even 10 if you count the minister ;) )
This takes care of the legalities of getting married, so we can have our Wiccan handfasting ceremony around May 24th outdoors at Zilvy's mom's place (My new mother-in-law.. I love saying that! :D )
(Zilvy: Nope! Not mother-in-law... Second MOM!)

This later ceremony will be held at our reception where we'll be renewing our vows in front of the rest of our family and friends who couldn't make it today due to the short notice for the wedding.

We had originally planned to have the wedding outside here, but rain  and large amounts of wind changed our plans to an indoor ceremony; ironically it stopped raining after the ceremony... (I'm trying to decide if that's the heavens smiling on us, or an ironic quirk of timing *wry smile*)

But it was a good day to marry the woman you love more than anything in the world, in a country that has legal same-sex marriage. *Bright smile*

And finally, Drake was nice enough to make these two pictures as a wedding gift to Zilvy & me.. Aren't they lovely? Blue and purple latex wedding dresses.. Mmmm..! :D
(And don't Zilvy & I look beautiful in marble and gold..? Fitting for a wedding eh? *Giggling happily and beaming to Drake* ;) )

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zilvara & Petra Getting Married!


This is to inform you of the marriage of Zilvara & Petra DeJewels taking place on October 20th at 3:00pm Eastern time.
(And as this is taking place on our 13th anniversary it’s about bloody time!)  

Mostly this will help my Canadian immigration, otherwise we'd have waited till warmer weather, but it is nice that it's happening on the 13th anniversary of our first meeting.. *Blushing with a warm smile*

And since this is short notice, we're planning a larger reception the week of May 24th where more of our family and friends can attend.

*Huggles from Z & P to All!* :D