Monday, September 21, 2009

Petra's Computer Died! :(


I think everyone can figure out what I'm trying to say there... *Grumbling*

My computer died on me Sunday afternoon! *VERY upset* :(

As for what happened, all I know at this point is I turned it on and it booted up normally so I walked off to do other things...
When I returned a half-hour later, the screen was dark and the power button was flashing and my hard drives appeared to NOT be spinning.

Mildly concerned, I held the button until it powered off, and thought I'd just wait a few minutes and power my system back on...

In a word: No.

From that point on, the power refuses to come on no matter what I do (with an admittedly limited amount of computer hardware knowledge)

So here I sit with a 7-8 year old brand new paperweight with 650MB of storage that I can't access...  :P

At this point I'm just hoping my irreplaceable files are intact and able to be accessed when I move my hard drives into external enclosures and hook them up to the new computer I'm certain I'll have to buy.. *Sighing and looking nervous*
(Since the system is so old, they're EIDE drives instead of the newer SATA) :p

This is more than inconvenient because it forces me to dip into my savings that I need to move to Canada to begin my life with Zilvy... *Looking much more nervous about that*

However, my computer is my lifeline to Zilvy on a daily basis, and the only thing holding my sanity together (And you all know how tenuously that's held together..! *Winking* ;) )

Therefore I'll pay a not unreasonable amount for a new system and think of it as an investment on a system Zilvy & I can use together once we're together... *Crossing my fingers*

Wish me luck..!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Medusariffic Issue 41! September 7, 2009

Yay Drake!
*Beaming and bouncing happily*
Not only has Drake given us the first ever Medusariffic Hardbody Competition... (And I think I stand a good chance to win ;) )
And I absolutely LOVE Dee's shirt..! A wonderful pun on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy..!
(Not to mention that's my favorite answer too! *Giggling and winking* ;) )

But he's also devoted an entire issue to how the ASFR set handles spammers..! *Giggling and clapping happily*


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Medusariffic Issue 40 & Zilvy's Medical Results

Okies, first things first:

Welcome to my new blog site!
Those familiar with my old blog on Yahoo 360 (May it rest in peace *sighing* ) will know that my blog usually deals with the latest updates of Drake's Medusariffic, and the occasionally interesting incidents in my and Zilvy's lives.

Medusariffic celebrates it's 40th issue this month! :)
And in true Drake fashion, we see Trish and Elaine discovering that ruby is the traditional marker for a fortieth anniversary..! *Giggling happily* ;)
Also you'll note that as you can see in the above picture, Zilvy & I have an Anime-style adventure with Miss Tiger in this issue! *Giggling happily*

*Beaming happily*
The Naughty Pair swing back into action in a story based on a news report, and a post by Ms. Tiger!

As for Zilvy's real life medical results... *Crossing my fingers, toes, arms and legs*

She's going to see her doctor today to find out the results from the MRI scan she had to test for MS... *Nervous*
I pray for her sake that she does not have MS, but instead has an easily treatable something/anything else.

I'll update this blog tonight when we both find out... %%-

*Beaming and doing a happy dance*
Zilvy's MRI results came back: Zilvy does NOT have MS! *VERY relieved* :D

It's been stressful the last few weeks learning the doctor wanted to test her for MS, and waiting for the results, but learning that not only does Zilvy not have MS, but the test came back negative for any neurological problems and blood clots is a great relief to us both...
Granted, we still don't know why she was having numbness in her toes, but at least we've ruled out a big issue.

And finally, thank you to all of you who have offered your kind words and support for us as we all stressed out over this medical issue...

*Group huggling everyone tightly*
