Monday, September 21, 2009

Petra's Computer Died! :(


I think everyone can figure out what I'm trying to say there... *Grumbling*

My computer died on me Sunday afternoon! *VERY upset* :(

As for what happened, all I know at this point is I turned it on and it booted up normally so I walked off to do other things...
When I returned a half-hour later, the screen was dark and the power button was flashing and my hard drives appeared to NOT be spinning.

Mildly concerned, I held the button until it powered off, and thought I'd just wait a few minutes and power my system back on...

In a word: No.

From that point on, the power refuses to come on no matter what I do (with an admittedly limited amount of computer hardware knowledge)

So here I sit with a 7-8 year old brand new paperweight with 650MB of storage that I can't access...  :P

At this point I'm just hoping my irreplaceable files are intact and able to be accessed when I move my hard drives into external enclosures and hook them up to the new computer I'm certain I'll have to buy.. *Sighing and looking nervous*
(Since the system is so old, they're EIDE drives instead of the newer SATA) :p

This is more than inconvenient because it forces me to dip into my savings that I need to move to Canada to begin my life with Zilvy... *Looking much more nervous about that*

However, my computer is my lifeline to Zilvy on a daily basis, and the only thing holding my sanity together (And you all know how tenuously that's held together..! *Winking* ;) )

Therefore I'll pay a not unreasonable amount for a new system and think of it as an investment on a system Zilvy & I can use together once we're together... *Crossing my fingers*

Wish me luck..!

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